Proceeds go to pioneering research in the field of cryonics
One free body freezing!
Cryonauts is the official NFT of TomorrowBio GmbH, an on-the-ground biostasis company based in Germany and Switzerland with a valuation of millions of Euros. TomorrowBio aims to operate a long-run cryostasis company that will perserve humans for not just years, but decades and centuries. Few NFTs are associated with companies with such long-term fundamental requirements, so this is a unique feature of the Cryonauts NFT collection.
We have a lot planned right before and after the mint. We will be ramping our marketing to fever pitch, and will be hosting another AMA with Emil, President of LongevityDAO. (Find our first AMA here). We'll have a limited mint period, followed by perk distribution. In any case, we'll have lots of NFT support planned -- find our full roadmap here.
The Cryonaut mint price is set at 0.1 ETH and there is a maximum of 10,000 cryonauts total. There is no other limit to how many Cryonauts an account can mint -- you can always reload the page and mint again.
The legendary NFT does indeed come with one free cryopreservation! This means that whoever owns the Legendary NFT on the blockchain can assign its cryopreservation rights to one natural person within the TomorrowBio service, and get cryopreservation for free, equivalent to service to a fully-paid member of TomorrowBio. The free cryopreservation perk can only be redeemed once. If you are interested in buying the Legendary Cryonaut for the perk, you should first verify that the perk has not been redeemed. You can verify onchain using the legendaryStatus field of the Cryonauts NFT master smart contract. Be sure it reads "Verified Still Valid (Unused)" or similar.
We will be on the same blockchain as the vast majority of NFTs by market cap: the Ethereum mainnet. Advantages include high liquidity, strong history, and safety through using proven and longstanding libraries.
If other blockchains with a proven track record of NFTs (e.g. Solana, Polygon Matic) offer backwards compatible bridges to Ethereum, we plan on implementing those bridges.
Tomorrow Bio is focused on improving the quality of cryoprotection, which is the most important part of the cryopreservation procedure. This includes studying how procedures should be adjusted under varying amounts of ischemia. You can checkout Tomorrow's Research Roadmap here.
The annual Biostasis conference is hosted by Tomorrow Bio and the European Biostasis Foundation in Switzerland (plus a livestream). The conferences bring experts in the fields of cryobiology, biostasis, and longevity together with the cryonics community. This is a great opportunity to network and learn about the newest science. The third Biostasis conference will take place this year from October 21-23. Learn more here.